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MC Workbench: Ch Phase W hidden when choose embedded PGA (stm32f303Rc -3 shunt )

As title, In stm32f303RC when use internal opamp for current sense but just 2 voltage of shunt (A1, A7)  feed to internal opamp 1 and 2 and output to adc. Channel W(B14) only use for protection which is connected to COMP3. I know this device not have Pin C0 and this Pin is hidden so there is no connect B14 pin to adc.
In the power stage I config  3 shunt, so will the code generation implicitly use 2 shunt algorithm for FOC control?Capture.JPG


ST Employee

Hello TrThPhuc,

The code uses 3 shunts algorithm in a three shunts topology.

You can see in the picture below (example from MCSDK 6.1.1 ) how the connections are done internally between peripherals when using 2 Opamps and 2 ADCs in three shunt topology. According to the sector, the firmware switches the Opamps inputs to sample two valid currents and reconstruct the third one. At the end of an electrical cycle all three currents are used. 

Best regards,


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