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Issues with set param function for min speed on x-nucleo-ihmo2a1 example code


I am currently using a x-nucleo-ihmo2a1 stacked on a stm32f401re and controlling one stepper motor. There is a set param function I am playing around with to change certain values the user sets in the code such as max and minx speed. I did the following in putty; "M1.SETPARAM.MIN_SPEED.20000" assuming this would ignore a command of running at a speed of 10000 and jump to the new min speed which is 20000. It doesn't seem to work and produces a grinding noise and moves in a slow rough manner. If I set the min speed to say 21000 or 19000 this issue doesn't occur, but there is also the second issue of a speed below the set min speed being accepted and used completely ignoring the set min speed. Any suggestions ??