2022-07-01 9:05 AM
I found the following document: STM32F PMSM single/dual FOC SDK v4.3.
This has a section (14) which has some explanation to how serial comms with a motor control device can work. There is even a list provided of "relevant motor control registers", however, I do not see or can I find the actual description for the content (bits/bytes) of these registers.
Secondly, to save me some development time, I was wondering if there are already libraries that would be helpful for use with a master device to command and query an STM motor control device? If so, where can I find these and are there any necessary modifications that need to be made to any of the files, so that I can make use of them in my project (stm32cubeIDE)?
Note: My current setup is a B-G431B-ESC1 (motor controller) with a stm32f405 (master device).
Your help is much appreciated.
2022-07-12 10:31 PM
IMHO there is no off-the-shelf solution. Search for the protocol names (ASPEP, MCP) here in the forum. Note also that SDK 4.3 is outdated and things may/will have changed.