2024-10-25 12:04 PM - edited 2024-10-25 7:10 PM
Board: B-G431B-ESC1
OS: Windows 11
Attempting to use the Motor Pilot or Profiler but unable to connect. I know I am connected because ST-Link can read the MCU and I am able to program it. From previous posts it seems to be related to the version of MCSDK so I attempted to use 5.4.8, 6.2.1, 6.2.0, 6.1.0, and 6.3.1. Done the obvious restart computer, board, run as admin.
Not sure how to diagnose from here
From the Motor Profiler (Any of them)
[INFO] - UART worker: Successfully open port COM6 @ 115200
[INFO] - : try to configure the board'
From the Motor Profiler (Any of them)
[ERROR] - : Failed to discover Board at 1843200 Bauds and 115200 Bauds
[INFO] - : disconnect UART START
[INFO] - : Disconnected from board
[INFO] - : disconnect UART END
More information from the programmer
11:54:11 : ST-LINK SN : 0674FF485051727187183257
11:54:11 : ST-LINK FW : V2J45M30
11:54:11 : Board : B-G431B-ESC1
11:54:11 : Voltage : 3.23V
11:54:11 : SWD freq : 4000 KHz
11:54:11 : Connect mode: Normal
11:54:11 : Reset mode : Software reset
11:54:11 : Device ID : 0x468
11:54:11 : Revision ID : Rev X
11:54:11 : ST-LINK SN : 0674FF485051727187183257
11:54:11 : ST-LINK FW : V2J45M30
2024-10-26 2:34 PM
From User Guide
" The USB port is available to use the ST MC Workbench and Motor Profiler tool directly connected with the PC (no
external dongle is needed)."
So I want to assume the problem is because of the daughter board. Does it need a specific firmware? Im ordering another board and diffrent board to figure it out. I really want to use the Workbench.
2024-10-26 3:03 PM - edited 2024-10-26 4:16 PM
Update: Was able to use 6.1.1 and installed to a location other than X86 programs and the motor pilot and profiler worked! However can not use the workbench because it can't find STM32CubeMX..
2024-10-28 1:35 AM
Hello TH3221,
At a first glance, it looks like you sometimes are trying to connect while your board is already connected to another SW. For example, if your board is connected to CubeProgrammer, then the connection will not be able to be established with the MotorPilot or Profiler. When you want to connect via STLink, please make sure no other software is connected to your board.
Another thing to check would be the baudrate. For the ESC-G431 it is configured to 1M8 bd/s by default which is one supported by Motor Profiler but it is always nice to verify.
2024-10-28 6:54 PM - edited 2024-10-28 7:34 PM
Hey Gael A,
Yes I made sure on the Motor profiler / pilot was connecting to it. Also ensured it is set to 1843200 baud. Even tried this on another computer and still same thing. I believe it has something to do with the daughter card (on board st link)? Specific firmware?
Also just tried this on a Nucleo-F401RE and having the same problems
2024-10-29 3:33 AM
Hello TH3321,
This is a strange issue, for which I have no specific solution so I will point out a few things.
- I thought your issue was that you could not connect to the MP, and now you tell me that you made sure the Pilot was connecting to it, then what is the issue, could you be more specific on your course of action and problem encounter ?
- Everything should be working with the MCSDK 6.3.1, and its dedicated Motor Pilot (v1.2.11), please start by using only these two versions, it will be easier for identifying the problem.
- Have you updated the STLink FW ? You can do so in CubeProgrammer by clicking on Firmware Upgrade.
2024-10-29 6:17 PM
My goal is to get motor pilot & motor profiler working. The problem is motor pilot or profiler wont connect.
Using either the B-G431B-ESC1 or Nucleo-F401RE boards.
My steps are as followed:
1. Using the Motor Control workbench (6.3.1) I setup my profile (motor profiler checked and uart in configuration)
2. Generate code
3. It opens CubeMX then CubeIDE
4. Download to board
5. Close out everything, reconnect the board
6. Motor Pilot wont connect or profiler wont connect
Things I have tried
Things that I have noticed
Current Firmware on STLink is V2.J37.M26 also tried V2.J45.M31
2024-11-01 4:24 PM
Is this correct? Should I try anything else? Check anything else? I'm stumped here. Should be plug and play
2024-11-04 1:01 AM
Hello TH3221,
Could you send your .stwb6 file please ? Also, could you share a screenshot of the Motor Pilot / Profiler when you encounter the problem please ?
On a side note, please be aware that F401 board should be connecting with a 921600 bd/s, so make sure your project and MP are aligned with that. You should not have that problem with the ESC though.
I see that you used several MCSDK and thus Motor Pilot, please make sure that the Pilot you are using is aligned with the FW, i.e that they come from the same MCSDK package. Pilot compatibility is not always ensured between MCSDK packages.
2024-11-06 7:58 PM
Got to work by reinstalling everything IDE, MX, Clearing workspaces, Packages, ect. not sure what was casuing the confliction but it works now. However on 6.3.1 (motor pilot v1.2.11) when using motor pilot selecting "Discover Board" or "Launch Profiler" both just go to the profiler. My work around is using 6.3.0 (motor pilot v1.2.9) does not have this issue. So far im okay with just 6.3.0, glad it works now