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X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 plus NUCLEO-H753ZI Wifi Stack ?




if i combine 




does the WIFI plug in as a 2nd netif in lwip in the H753 ? 


or is it like 2 Microcontrollers just connected to each other and the App Developer is on its own ? 


how does it compare to the 

AIROC™ Wi-Fi/Bluetooth® STM32 expansion pack from Infineon ? 


which one has the better Software Stacks ? 


I am interested in a as much as possible transparent adaption to Wifi over 

STM32CubeIDE project with lwIP + FreeRTOS



ST Employee

Hello @franzhoepfinger,


When you combine the X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Wi-Fi module with the NUCLEO-H753ZI board, the Wi-Fi module can indeed be configured as a secondary network interface (netif) in the lwIP stack on the H753ZI. It's not merely a connection between two microcontrollers; the module is designed to integrate with the STM32 ecosystem and lwIP.

Comparing it to Infineon's AIROC™ Wi-Fi/Bluetooth® STM32 expansion pack, the latter offers additional Bluetooth functionality, which might be beneficial if you require both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for your project. As for software stacks, both are well-supported within their respective ecosystems, but the best choice depends on your specific needs and whether Bluetooth capability is a requirement.

The X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 aims for a straightforward and transparent adaptation to Wi-Fi, making it a great choice if Wi-Fi connectivity is your primary concern.

With Regards,

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