2018-04-05 5:10 AM
I think there is a possible BUG in LL libraries when using the HSE.
My controller is a stm32f103t8 with an external Oszillator.
I use LL version V1.1.1.The following function in stm32f1xx_ll_rcc.h should return the prediv factor for the PLL.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_PLL_GetPrediv(void)
&sharpif defined(RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1)
return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1));
return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_PLLXTPRE));
&sharpendif /*RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1*/
The problem is now that this function returns the bit value in that register, here 2^17 if set - not the factor itself
The function RCC_PLL_GetFreqDomain_SYS() in stm32f1xx_ll_rcc.c calculates the pll input frequency in that way:...
case LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE: /* HSE used as PLL clock source */
pllinputfreq = HSE_VALUE / (LL_RCC_PLL_GetPrediv() + 1U);
The result is that the HSE_VALUE is divided by the bit position 2^17, the result is a wrong pll frequency.
The problem is that this functions is called indirect in LL_USART_Init, i2c and more. So the USART doesn't work
with the HSE in F1 LL drivers.I think in the function LL_RCC_PLL_GetPrediv above is the shift operator missing in that way:return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_PLLXTPRE) >> RCC_CFGR_PLLXTPRE_Pos)
Or do I have missed something?
Thank You
#ll-bug #hse #stm32f1 #bug?2018-05-11 8:53 AM
,This issue is raised internally to the developer team, then we will keep you informed about the taken actions.
Best Regards,
2018-07-13 6:26 AM
,We have reproduced this issue from our side for LL_RCC. The return value of LL_RCC_PLL_GetPrediv() was 2^17 and it should return the PREDIV factor for the PLL.
This issue will be fixed in the coming version of CubeF1.
Thanks and Best Regards,