2020-09-16 4:22 PM
lwip udp server does not send big data correctly
I have implemented a udp server on stm32h7 using raw lwip.my function is reading data from sd memory and sending to pc, so I read a block(512bytes) of data from sd memory by f_read function of fatfs and send it using udp_send to remote host.everything is OK with reading data from sd memory, but when I want to send for example a 2kbyte file from sd to PC, I receive only 1636bytes on pc. I use udp terminal of matlab. when I check the received data it shows that only firs 512 received bytes are correct and other received bytes seems to be a peice of next 512byte read from sd memory.here is the code I wrote for
#define SD_read_buffer 512
struct pbuf *p_tx;
struct pbuf *sb;
char *c;
int i;
char data_read[10]={0};
/* allocate pbuf from RAM*/
p_tx = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT,p->len, PBUF_RAM);
sb = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT,512, PBUF_RAM);
if(p_tx != NULL)
pbuf_take(p_tx, (char*)p->payload, p->len);
/* Connect to the remote client */
udp_connect(upcb, addr, 4023);
/* Tell the client that we have accepted it */
c = p->payload;
for( i = 0 ; i < p->len ; i++)
data_read[i] = c[i];
// f_open(&SDFile, "REC_2K.DAT", FA_READ); //640kb file
f_open(&SDFile, "RECORD_1.DAT", FA_READ);//5kb file
for (;;)
f_read(&SDFile, SD_read_buffer, sizeof SD_read_buffer, &br); /* Read a chunk of data from the source file */
if (br == 0) break; /* error or eof */
memcpy(sb->payload,SD_read_buffer,sizeof SD_read_buffer);
udp_send(upcb, sb);
/* free the UDP connection, so we can accept new clients */
/* Free the p_tx buffer */
/* Free the p buffer */
I added 100ms delay before and after udp_send, but it did not fixed the problem, so the problem is not about time. but when I add pbuf_alloc of sb pbuf before f_read the received data have the same size of sent.but it allocate extra memory in every loop and fill the ram, so its not the solution.
would someone give me a hint or a solution about this problem?
thank u before
2020-09-17 5:01 AM
I solve the problem by moving below lines to a function, also redefinition of sb pbuf on top of that function and feeding at the end.
memcpy(sb->payload,SD_read_buffer,sizeof SD_read_buffer);
udp_send(upcb, sb);
in this way my problem solved, but a new problem is occurred. now it seems I have a udp_send speed problem.when I send big data, after and receiving on pc I see that only the first bytes are correctly received and the last bytes are a little different. I added a 10ms delay after udp_send and the problem solved,but this time must be different for various files with different size.
is there any way to check the udp_send finishing time?e.g a flag or a callback function?
or any other way?