2019-07-24 7:37 AM
I am trying to play the .wav file in this example:
C:\Users\user_name\STM32Cube\Repository\ STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.0 \ Projects \ STM32F4-Discovery \ Applications \ Audio \ Audio_playback_and_record
I want to hear the .wav sample is playing, using external flash. But this Audio_playback_and_record application does not work at all. Neither using external memory nor using internal flash memory. I think this is what this application should do.
2019-07-24 8:14 AM
Yeah, lets pick ONE thread to put this in. https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000B7ZqSYSQ0/why-does-the-audio-sample-not-work
2019-07-24 8:26 AM
i tried to delete the other question but I warned by a notification says "your administration doesn't allow you to do this action"