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What should I do when the process stops in the middle of a program?


Hello everyone,

I am writing a program to read the gyro of the ICM42688P, but in the middle of the program, the process stops because it cannot be directed.

Here is the full text of the code↓



ICM42688P::ICM42688P(SPI_TypeDef *spi2, GPIO_TypeDef *cs_x, uint32_t cs_pin): spi2(spi2), cs_x(cs_x), cs_pin(cs_pin){}

void ICM42688P::setup(void){


void ICM42688P::SPI_TransmitReceive(uint8_t *tx_data, uint8_t *rx_data, uint8_t length) {
    uint8_t count = length;

    //CS Low

    //data clear
    if (LL_SPI_IsActiveFlag_RXNE(spi2) == SET) LL_SPI_ReceiveData8(spi2);

    if (LL_SPI_IsEnabled(spi2) == RESET) LL_SPI_Enable(spi2);

    //sending receiving
    while (count > 0) {
        LL_SPI_TransmitData8(spi2, *tx_data++);  //transmission
        while (LL_SPI_IsActiveFlag_TXE(spi2) == RESET);  //waiting transmission complete
        while (LL_SPI_IsActiveFlag_RXNE(spi2) == RESET);  //waiting reception complete
        *rx_data++ = LL_SPI_ReceiveData8(spi2);  //storage

    //CS High

void ICM42688P::whoami() {
    uint8_t tx_data[2];
    uint8_t rx_data[2];

    //who_am_i  read
    tx_data[0] = (0x75 | 0x80);  //read
    tx_data[1] = 0x00;  //dummy

    SPI_TransmitReceive(tx_data, rx_data, 2);

    printf("who am i = %x\r\n", rx_data[1]);




The process stops in the following part↓




while (LL_SPI_IsActiveFlag_TXE(spi2) == RESET); 

while (LL_SPI_IsActiveFlag_RXNE(spi2) == RESET);




However, if this part is deleted, the process will not stop but will not return the value expected by whoami.

Is there any good solution?
Thank you in advance.


microcontroller stm32f407vgt6, cubeIDE

Associate III

These portions of code are used for depuration purpose. If your code gets stucked here is because something is not working properly, thats why when you delete them the result isn`t the expected one. I suggest you to try and find the problem maybe checking where these flags change to this state that makes the program get stucked.

Thank you for your reply, @RPC 

I would like to review this code once again.

Is your spi CS is done automatic or manual? Make sure to enable the chipSelect for the device. Check the sPI speed,  data width etc. you can try with HAL calls to ensure that the chip is responding, before going into the LL calls. This is just a suggestion to rule out any hardware issues. Another point is that after you apply reset to the chip, you need to wait for some time till the chip is ready to take any commands..

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Thank you for your response, @Techn 


spi CS is done manually.

Is it possible to tell us how to enable chip select for the device?


best regards.



Did you keep your SPI_polarity  HIGH, SPI phase is 2nd edge. Then configure the GPIO connected to the CS pin of the device to GPIO output and make it low while reading . Please share the ioc file

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I think the setup is done.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

select GPIO output level as high since the default for CS is high, the chip is not selected normally, selected only when you do the read

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Senior III

hal_status = HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&hspi2, tx_data, rx_data, 1, SPI_TIMEOUT).. Check for the hal_status, if it is ok, the result  will be there in your rx_data.. both are pointers

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Thank you for your response,@Techn 


Can I use the HAL library while using the LL library?


best regards.