2018-09-20 5:11 AM
Hello! We use a chip in our product and connect it via USB, so we need VID:PID. STM can give VID as a free service. I opened a case in the tracker, but there is no answer for 3 weeks. Who can I contact on this issue?
2. Contact name/address and E-mail address: Nesterov Vladislav/ 127287, Moscow, Starii Petrovsko-Razumovskii Proez, house 1/23 building 1, vladislav.nesterov@infotecs.ru
3. Name/Sale type of the ST Microcontroller product name: STM32F427VIT6
4. Name of USB end-product: ViPNet SIES Core
2018-09-20 6:04 AM
Hello @VNest ,
Please provide the ticket number (TECHxxxx), then we will check the progress of your ticket.
With Regards,
2018-09-20 6:05 AM
Note that the free VID from ST has the following limitations:
( from email they sent me with the VID for my product)
-- pa
Please note that would only be able to test Your products for USB-IF certification under our company name.
All products will be listed under our company name ( STMicroelectronics) on the Integrators list if certified.
Your company would not have rights to use the USB-IF logos on Your products.
If you intend to use the USB-IF logos You must obtain your own VID.
The requirements to display the USB-IF’s trademarked and licensed USB logo are:
1. The company must be a USB vendor (i.e. obtain a USB vendor ID).
2. The company must execute the USB-IF Trademark License Agreement.
3. The product bearing the logo must successfully pass USB-IF Compliance Testing and appear on the Integrators List under that company’s name.
These requirements apply to manufacturers and resellers.
Please verify that you understand the policy.
2018-09-20 6:37 AM
I have only case ID: 00065529
2018-09-20 7:07 AM
Do I understand correctly that such a VID can only be used for tests and cannot be used in commercial?
2018-09-26 12:53 AM
Hello @VNest ,
We have sent to you a private message with a new VID and PID.
Kind Regards,