2020-05-14 9:28 AM
Iam trying to write some data (i.e. 8 bytes) via the WriteMemory command of STM32L45xxx bootloader to the STM32's SRAM area (in particular to address 0x20000000). However when I connect to the device and look into the memory the data is not taken over. I use the USART interface for sending the command to the bootloader.
Iam already using the WriteMemory command successfully for flash programming. Why doesnt it work or have an effect on SRAM area? Or what do I need to pay attention to in order to write data to SRAM area.
If you need additional information please let me know.
Any help on this issue is very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards,
2020-05-16 8:18 AM
From AN2606:
12 Kbyte starting from address 0x20000000 are used by the bootloader firmware
Don't mess with those bytes if you want the bootloader to keep working. Not sure if it'll even let you. Are you getting an ACK back from all responses?
2020-05-18 2:42 AM
yeah I got an ack back. However I already successfully written something at the end of SRAM1 area and it worked out. So together with your answer we can close the thread.
Thanks for the help, Steve