2022-07-29 9:11 AM
D- = PA11
D+ = PA12
and Gnd to Gnd
As well, Boot0 is connected to VDD. I have nothing connected to the UARTS or CAN.
Even with this setup, upon reset, the system runs the code I have downloaded (via ST-Link) rather than the bootloader. I think it may have something to do with the crystall.
2022-07-29 10:57 AM
First of all Nucleo-h723 build-in bootloader is dedicatedly designed for USART software peripheral. So you can't run the on board bootloader otherwise use USART.
2022-07-29 11:54 AM
No first of all read AN2606
Pattern 10
Boot(pin) = 0 and BOOT_ADD0(optionbyte) = 0x1FF0
Boot(pin) = 1 and BOOT_ADD1(optionbyte) = 0x1FF0
2022-07-29 12:22 PM
Connect both USB ports. Short CN1 Pin5 to Pin 7. Reset via the black button. If you did not fiddle with the option bits, DFU will appear.