2023-01-18 2:30 AM
On an device running USBX/AzureRTOS, when I plug/unplug it from the computer - it doesn't always come back up device->ux_slave_device_state stays at UX_DEVICE_ATTACHED, and windows gives a Device Descriptor read failed (and a USB device not recognised)
The code stays clocked and doesn't use STOP/STANDBY modes, and stays on the same clocks as when it is running.
Is there a need to prioritise the ux_slave_hid_thread/hid_uxbx_app_thread/main_usbx_thread above others?
2023-01-18 3:12 AM
for clarity - I call ux_device_stack_disconnect when the VBUS is disconnected, as mentioned on Chapter 3 - Functional Components of USBX Device Stack | Microsoft Learn
(this is not an answer, I'm unsure why it says it is)
2023-02-14 12:48 AM
Can you please specify what target device/ middleware version/USB application are you using?