2021-05-02 10:48 PM
Hi All,
I practice an HID USB project at windows 10 with NUCLEO-F303ZE. And I initiated a project by STM32CUBEIDE and STM32CUBE. I alsp can get enumeration of connecting procedure so far so good. My project has a request which needs to response string descriptor 0xEE. Because I found if the host sends 80 60 EE 03 00 00 12 00, the device will get stall. like the below picture:
My question is how to modify the procedure to let the device can determine the string descriptor then send back the data which I need?
2021-05-03 4:28 AM
You project likely contains a source file which deals with descriptor requests. Read it, understand, then add the needed descriptor.
2021-05-03 6:27 AM
String descriptors are found within usbd_desc.c.
2021-05-04 1:35 PM
It's okay to stall unsupported desriptor requests, including the Microsoft extensions (as Pavel A. pointed out above).
2021-05-04 7:57 PM
Hi All,
Thank you for your help. I have solved the problem.
2021-08-16 2:34 AM
�?�样的,在数�?�传输时,usb device有时也会�?�生�?�顿。请问您�?��?�是如何解决的?
2021-08-16 2:40 AM
@TTsao.1 what programm or harware are you using to sniff USB? im very interested