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USB MSC configuration as device for stm32L412RB


Hello, I am new to STM and I am trying to configure USB as a device for MSC configuration.

I have followed the tutorial from STM32 USB MSC (Mass Storage Class) by  Controllers Tech but when I connect the USB port to my pc I getting detected but I can't able to format, read and write.


I have gone through the internet I can't find any relevant info related to this, Has anyone actually managed to get it working and help me to resolve the issue.

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

Please see the posting tips:

What board are you using?

@asif098 wrote:

Hello, I am new to STM

Do you have any experience with any other microcontroller(s)?

Maybe start here:


@asif098 wrote:

when I connect the USB port to my pc I getting detected

Windows or Linux?

Does the PC show any errors?

What does the PC show as properties for the device?


@asif098 wrote:

I can't able to format, read and write.

Why not? 

What, exactly, happens when you try?


have you tried any of the ST examples?


 Hi @Andrew Neil 

What board are you using?

I am using NUCLEO-L412RB-P board for my development.

Windows or Linux?


I don't know whether the configuration for USB is correct or not. I only followed some tutorial to configure USB as a Mass Storage class I done everything that they have done but for them It's Working, In my case it's not working.

can you have any ideas to configure USB as a MSC.