2017-04-27 7:00 AM
I am trying to integrate my custom board (STM32F205 VCT) with PC to send data over USB using Full Speed functionality.
Earlier i tried same with STM32F4 Discovery board & everything went right & i was able to receive data by USB over PC (Windows 10). However when i am trying to connect USB port of my custom device with PC its showing Error 'USB not Detected'.
Pin 71 is connected to D+ (White wire from USB Cable)
Pin 70 is connected to D- (Green Wire)
Ground from Custom Board
In Program Stack & heap Size are 0x2000 & 0x4000 resp.
I also read other Forums especially about Windows 10 USB Driver Issue but i coudnt figur� it out how i can solve mine
Do i Need to use 22ohm resistors over Pin 70 & 71 (On discovery board USB schematics its shown that 22ohm resistors are used) as USB is working over Discovery board on Windows 10 & i am able to get data over PC.
So any suggestions?
#stm32f4discovery #usb-vcp-windows10-win10 #stm32f2-usb2017-04-28 4:36 AM
Hi. Here is what I would try:
1) Download and review the STM32CubeF2 firmware examples. Table 1, pg 26 states that a full USB CDC example project is supplied for the STM32F2 EVAL board. The EVAL boards are usually more expensive as they are more feature rich. However, you should be able to compare the schematics for the STM32F2 Eval board (207 based) and then apply to your design (205). Consider to even bring in the lower cost STM32F207 based Nucleo board which should also be able to support the CDC example with some minor changes.
2) Do note that the STM32F207 Nucleo is not checked for this full project (CDC device) example so some code changes will be required but we have done similar changes with other processors and the changes were very minor.
* study the EVAL board schematics to locate which port pins, which clock, etc. allow for the EVAL board to work and then do the same for your Nucleo or custom board
STM32F2Cube Examples: