2020-03-13 8:43 AM
I have a problem with my STM3cF76ZI and USB CDC:
After preparing a base project (USB_OTG_FS->Device_Only and CDC class in middleware) by CubeIDE1.2.1 and after loading the firmware, I connect USB CN1 and, then, USB CN13.
Windows prompts me an unrecognized USB device.
I tried with other examples and somethings seems to run better with https://github.com/hpaluch-pil/stm32-usb-cdc1 : after modifying usbd_conf.c as the author suggests,
a new Virtual com appears and I can send messages via CDC_Transmit_FS(hello, strlen(hello)).
Unfortunately, it is not possible to view the messages by Putty o Realterm, because of an error "Unable to open connection to com6 Unable to configure serial port".
Do I need a peculiar init in addition to MX_USB_DEVICE_Init()?
During debug I noticed that "hcdc->TxState != 0" [in function CDC_Transmit_FS] is always true, so USB was in "transfer mode"... why?
Thanks a lot!