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USART_WakeUpFromStop1 leads to lost characters

Associate II

While experimenting[*] with the USART_WakeUpFromStop1 example on my NUCLEO-L496ZG I noticed that repeatedly entering STOP1 mode leads to dropped character if running with a baudrate > 4800 bps. I'm using STOP1 mode in a different project and I hoped to find a way to correctly communicating on 115200.

Any pointers on how to achieve this?


[*] I had to some minor modifications to STs example

* Rewrote the reception callback to store the received bytes in an array and printout in main() instead of echoing them in the handler

void USART_CharReception_Callback(void)
/* Read Received character. RXNE flag is cleared by reading of RDR register */
ubReceivedChar = LL_USART_ReceiveData8(USART1);
rx_buff[rx_buff_i++] = ubReceivedChar;

/* Check if received value is corresponding to specific one : S or s */
if ((ubReceivedChar == 'S') || (ubReceivedChar == 's'))

* Removed everything not related to STOP mode from the main loop

while (ubFinalCharReceived == 0)