2021-10-03 9:41 PM
after extract the zip file to the shortage path
then import the example with STM32CubeIDE. Then compile result was
"Build Failed. 34 errors, 3 warnings. (took 16s.325ms)"
not sure how to config the project to make it successful compile?
Can anyone help me?
Here is the compile result
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-10-13 2:20 AM
Dear @ssara.1
I don't have any ideas why it does not work with this workspace (I did not find any differences between a working workspace and your workspace on UI side)
Anyway, It seems working in doing the following steps:
2021-10-12 11:33 PM
Dear @ssara.1
The USB-PD lib is not compiled with your project. To add it, follow the settings like this picture:
2021-10-12 11:47 PM
Thank for your answer Yohann. But seem like the project setting is already set the same as your picture.
Is there any other setting I need to change?
2021-10-12 11:57 PM
Hello @ssara.1
You should see this lib into your linker command:
arm-none-eabi-gcc -o "USB-PD_Provider_1port.elf" @"objects.list" -l:USBPDCORE_PD3_FULL_CM0PLUS_wc32.a -mcpu=cortex-m0plus -T"....Applications\USB-PD\USB-PD_Provider_1port\STM32CubeIDE\STM32G081RBTX_FLASH.ld" --specs=nosys.specs -Wl,-Map="USB-PD_Provider_1port.map" -Wl,--gc-sections -static -L../../../../../../../Middlewares/ST/STM32_USBPD_Library/Core/lib --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -Wl,--start-group -lc -lm -Wl,--end-group
It is not the case in your log.
2021-10-13 12:26 AM
yes, the linker command not showing the Lib that you highlighted, How can I add it? I'm quite new to CubeIDE.If it shows somewhere in any doc pls let me know
2021-10-13 2:20 AM
Dear @ssara.1
I don't have any ideas why it does not work with this workspace (I did not find any differences between a working workspace and your workspace on UI side)
Anyway, It seems working in doing the following steps:
2021-10-13 11:11 AM
Wow, Thank you. it can compile with 0 error 0 warning now. Very appreciate your help.