2021-01-03 2:58 AM
The STM32F767.svd file is provided by the STM32CudeIDE, within the com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.productdb.debug_1.5.0.202011051456 directory. The two forgotten definitions are :
Best Regards,
Pierre Molinaro
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-01-05 12:30 PM
Happy New Year to you too!
Thank you very much for your prompt response.
I'm examining the SVD files, and I think I've found other anomalies, which I'm delivering to you:
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
forgotten field CAN3EN in the RCC_APB1ENR register;
forgotten field CAN3RST in the RCC_APB1RSTR register;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
forgotten field CAN3EN in the RCC_APB1ENR register [see previous mail];
forgotten field CAN3RST in the RCC_APB1RSTR register [see previous mail];
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
forgotten field CAN3EN in the RCC_APB1ENR register;
forgotten field CAN3RST in the RCC_APB1RSTR register;
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
forgotten field CAN3EN in the RCC_APB1ENR register;
forgotten field CAN3RST in the RCC_APB1RSTR register;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
forgotten field CAN3EN in the RCC_APB1ENR register;
forgotten field CAN3RST in the RCC_APB1RSTR register;
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOA :
GPIO_AFRH register name is used, instead of AFRH;
GPIO_AFRL register name is used, instead of AFRL;
GPIO_BSRR register name is used, instead of BSRR;
GPIO_IDR register name is used, instead of IDR;
GPIO_LCKR register name is used, instead of LCKR;
GPIO_MODER register name is used, instead of MODER;
GPIO_ODR register name is used, instead of ODR;
GPIO_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
GPIO_OTYPER register name is used, instead of OTYPER;
GPIO_PUPDR register name is used, instead of PUPDR;
for peripheral GPIOA, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOC, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
for peripheral GPIOA, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOC, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
Best regards,
Pierre Molinaro
2021-01-04 4:42 AM
Hello @PMoli.1 ,
Happy new year :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes: :party_popper:
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Let me check back with the team and I will come back to you with update.
2021-01-05 2:07 AM
Hi @PMoli.1 ,
I have raised this request internally to be reviewed and treated accordingly to the priority.
I will give you an update once it is fixed.
Thanks for your contribution.
2021-01-05 12:30 PM
Happy New Year to you too!
Thank you very much for your prompt response.
I'm examining the SVD files, and I think I've found other anomalies, which I'm delivering to you:
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
forgotten field CAN3EN in the RCC_APB1ENR register;
forgotten field CAN3RST in the RCC_APB1RSTR register;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
forgotten field CAN3EN in the RCC_APB1ENR register [see previous mail];
forgotten field CAN3RST in the RCC_APB1RSTR register [see previous mail];
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
forgotten field CAN3EN in the RCC_APB1ENR register;
forgotten field CAN3RST in the RCC_APB1RSTR register;
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
forgotten field CAN3EN in the RCC_APB1ENR register;
forgotten field CAN3RST in the RCC_APB1RSTR register;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
forgotten field CAN3EN in the RCC_APB1ENR register;
forgotten field CAN3RST in the RCC_APB1RSTR register;
for peripheral GPIOA, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOD, GPIOB_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOA :
GPIO_AFRH register name is used, instead of AFRH;
GPIO_AFRL register name is used, instead of AFRL;
GPIO_BSRR register name is used, instead of BSRR;
GPIO_IDR register name is used, instead of IDR;
GPIO_LCKR register name is used, instead of LCKR;
GPIO_MODER register name is used, instead of MODER;
GPIO_ODR register name is used, instead of ODR;
GPIO_OSPEEDR register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
GPIO_OTYPER register name is used, instead of OTYPER;
GPIO_PUPDR register name is used, instead of PUPDR;
for peripheral GPIOA, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOC, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
for peripheral GPIOA, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOB, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
for peripheral GPIOC, OSPEEDER register name is used, instead of OSPEEDR;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
this file has no <cpu>...</cpu> definition;
Best regards,
Pierre Molinaro
2021-01-07 2:09 AM
Hi @PMoli.1 ,
I have passed your feedback along to our development team for fix.
Thank you again for the continued feedback, it is much appreciated!
2022-07-13 12:16 PM
Hello @PMoli.1 ,
The SVD files is updated internally for the à F76x and F77x family within the latest STM32F7 svd file version 2.0, and it will be published soon on ST website.