2023-02-21 10:43 PM
USB DP and DM have no 1.5k pull-up resistance, which will not take effect after internal pull-up of DP or DM (DP or DM grounded), and the resistance value of current limiting resistance (R56 R58) is 12.5 Ω instead of the marked 22 Ω
The measured value of PA10 after internal pull-up is 2.9V
(PA11 PA12) Measure 0.1V after internal pull-up
2023-02-22 12:22 AM
add info:
When I delete the (__HAL_RCC_USB_OTG_FS_CLK_ENABLE()) function, the internal pull-up of PA12 takes effect. The measured value of PA12 is 2.9V, but the read value of PA12 is only 0.8V after I connect the USB of the PC (the pull-up strength is not enough). PC still cannot detect USB device