2023-03-22 5:24 AM
I am trying to program the Nucleo H755ZI-Q card to be recognized by the PC as a USB HID (mouse).
The problem I'm having is that no pipes are opening.
So, the connection is not being made correctly and so my card is being recognized as a USB Input Device.
When I try to do the same process on another card (Nucleo F446ZE) with the same configuration parameters in the IOC, it works, and my card is well recognized by the PC as a mouse
Do you know what I must do to get the H755ZI-Q card to be recognized as a mouse?
Thank you in advance
2023-03-22 5:27 AM
Here are the USB settings for the Nucleo H755ZI-Q
Device Descriptor:
bcdUSB: 0x0200
bDeviceClass: 0x00
bDeviceSubClass: 0x00
bDeviceProtocol: 0x00
bMaxPacketSize0: 0x40 (64)
idVendor: 0x0483 (STMicroelectronics)
idProduct: 0x5710
bcdDevice: 0x0200
iManufacturer: 0x01
iProduct: 0x02
iSerialNumber: 0x03
bNumConfigurations: 0x01
ConnectionStatus: DeviceConnected
Current Config Value: 0x00
Device Bus Speed: Full
Device Address: 0x12
Open Pipes: 0
Configuration Descriptor:
wTotalLength: 0x0022
bNumInterfaces: 0x01
bConfigurationValue: 0x01
iConfiguration: 0x00
bmAttributes: 0xE0 (Bus Powered Self Powered Remote Wakeup)
MaxPower: 0x32 (100 Ma)
Interface Descriptor:
bInterfaceNumber: 0x00
bAlternateSetting: 0x00
bNumEndpoints: 0x01
bInterfaceClass: 0x03 (HID)
bInterfaceSubClass: 0x01
bInterfaceProtocol: 0x02
iInterface: 0x00
HID Descriptor:
bcdHID: 0x0111
bCountryCode: 0x00
bNumDescriptors: 0x01
bDescriptorType: 0x22
wDescriptorLength: 0x004A
Endpoint Descriptor:
bEndpointAddress: 0x81 IN
Transfer Type: Interrupt
wMaxPacketSize: 0x0004 (4)
bInterval: 0x0A
2023-03-22 5:34 AM
Hello @Nicoo__08,
Could specify the error message? Could you provide more details about the issue: which Software and IDE version are you using? at which level exactly is the error faced?
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2023-03-22 5:53 AM
First, thank you for your quick response.
I am using STM32 CubeIde 1.10.1
Here is a screen of the usb signal during the connection.
The red line is the "Get String Descriptor". The card does not meet this command, so the enumeration is not done correctly. I think this is the reason why it is not recognized