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SysTick not incrementing with TrustZone enabled


I have a simple project set up for the stm32h573II-DK that has USART1 set up and I can print to serial out over the same USB connector that uses ST-LINK with HAL_UART_Transmit(&hcom_uart[COM1], MSG, sizeof(MSG), 100);. I can not use HAL_Delay(1000); to print every ~1 second. When entering the HAL_Delay function, I can see with a debugger that uwTick is never incremented and with breakpoints I can see that the systick handler is never called. I made a project that doesn't have TrustZone set up and it can print every one second. I do not think this is an ISR priority issue, as I am calling HAL_Delay() from main(). All of the code was generated with cubemx and the only edits I've made were to add the print. What could I be doing wrong to prevent the systick interrupt from being handled correctly?