2022-02-18 5:30 AM
First I was reading:
Reference manual
STM32U575/585 Arm®-based 32-bit MCUs
4 Boot modes
ST programmed
default value
Flash: 0x0800 0000
0x0BF9 0000
Application note
STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode
The STM32U575xx/85xx bootloader is activated by applying pattern12
TZen = 0, Boot0(pin) = 0, nSWBoot0(bit) = 1 and NSBOOTADD0 [24:0] = 0x017F200
TZen = 0, Boot0(pin) = 1, nSWBoot0(bit) = 1 and NSBOOTADD1 [24:0] = 0x017F200
TZen = 0, nBoot0(bit) = 0, nSWBoot0(bit) = 0 and NSBOOTADD1 [24:0] = 0x017F200
TZen = 0, nBoot0(bit) = 1, nSWBoot0(bit) = 0 and NSBOOTADD0 [24:0] = 0x017F200
But what are default values for nBoot0 and nSWBoot0 ?
I'am trying to understand how to enter ROM bootloader at very first boot.
2022-03-16 7:05 PM
Most likely it was forgotten to update that value after the actual value to use was decided, when the chip was released. As explained above, the default (factory) value should be put in the reference manual as it is done for other series.
@Imen DAHMEN, maybe you can fix/report this...
2022-03-17 12:23 AM
Hello @Piranha ,
Thank you for flagging this for me!
I raised this request internally for fix.