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STM32L496 Bootloader

Associate II


my STM32L496 Controller ist booting only into the internal bootloader. BOOT0 Pin is low, a valid program is on 0x08000000 and if I set the PC and SR with the values I found on 0x0800.0000 and 0x080.00004 the controller does it's job. What could be wrong?

Where can I find a description what does the controller do while booting?

creetings and stay healthy


Associate II


I don't think, that I can do anything wrong when I use the schematics of the original eval board. Here's the schematic.

best regards

Senior III

I think JW may have answered this question for both of us:

That is: " The 'L46x have an AN2606-Pattern-6 bootloader entry, i.e. they enter bootloader if the FLASH is "empty" - and the FLASH_SR.PEMPTY bit is reloaded only at power-on reset and OBL_LAUNCH command."

Note: 'L496 also uses pattern-6

This would explain why cycling the power after loading the program (but before setting the BOOT pin low) still allows the program to run properly from reset (after the BOOT pin is set low.

I haven't tried his suggestion yet: "So, maybe you can try to load a stub into RAM which performs OBL_LAUNCH, after programming."

unrelated to the topic, but.... should the pull-ups you have on PD11/PD12 be on PD12/PD13 instead?