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STM32L073VZ I am working with this MCU and every time it connect with USB and create new COM port.


I am testing in production environment and would like to avoid creating COM ports. HOw?​

If the devices report a unique serial number, via a descriptor, Windows will given each a unique enumeration.

One approach is to cull all the enumeration nodes from the registry periodically.

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Thomas L.
Associate III

Even if you're not using the UART bridge from FTDI, read FTDI's Appnote 123. It describes how Windows decides the COM port name and states methods how you can avoid getting assigned a new COM port each time. Basically you're telling Windows to ignore the HW Serial number and use a specific com port whenever a device with a specific vendor ID / device ID gets connected. A great tool to manage already existing COM ports is UsbDeview

I was digging for that, but in the wrong place. Not in SiLabs driver...

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Specially for this purpose WIndows has a way to disregard "serial numbers" for specific vendor & device ID.

Look for "IgnoreHWSerNum" here.

-- pa