2019-09-24 05:01 AM
In the STM32H7Cube code, There is no LwIP example/Application code for STM32H747-eval. Can anyone direct me towards the same?
Or let me know the delta between STM32H743 and STM32H747 LWip configuration.
The most important code i need is the ethernetif.c
I created an LwIP example code from CubeMX, this code gets hung during Hal_init().
Almost any any code I generate for STM32H747 seems to get hung at this phase.
2019-09-25 07:37 AM
ST's lwIP implementation for H7 is so flawed that you'll have to fix ethernetif.c for yourself anyway. So take that H743 example and start coding.
2021-03-17 05:18 AM
I have same problem, R u rectified it?