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stm32h743zi WINUSB(HS) ISSUE

Associate III

I AM USING STM32H743ZI IN USB_HS IN CONTROLLER BUT WHEN I CONNECT USB CABLE TO CPU IN DEVICE MANAGER IT DISPLY winUSB BUT IN zadig software not install the libusb driver it seen the driver not install so how how to solve this problem suggest me 

ST Employee


Could you please reproduce the issue on reference board: nucleo or eval??  try uninstalling the winUSB driver from the device manager and then reinstalling it using Zadig.

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

If the firmware has a proper "Microsoft descriptor" for winusb, it does not need Zadig. Microsoft-signed drivers have precedence over any self-signed package. So just use libusb API library that works via the winusb driver. For more info please visit the Microsoft Q&A forum.