2018-05-22 10:25 PM
Hai ,
We are using the STM32H743BIT controller . we are using the cubemx to generate the code for the ethernet . In our application we need to receive the UDP packet which function we need to use . To send the UDP packet we are using the (UDP_packet_send(uint8_t *Tx_buf,uint16_t length)) function . Before this we are using the STM32F743BIT controller . But we took the the data from the (low_level_input(struct netif *netif)) from this function . Now we are not receiving any data .
Thank you.
best regards
#stm-32lo #udp #stm32h7-ethernet2018-06-27 6:35 AM
,Werecommend you to refer to the example provided in
package andfollow the same configuration
With Regards,