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STM32H723 USB Example

Associate II

I was trying to use the usb cdc acm example from STM32CubeMx for a Nucleo-H723ZG board. When i run the example, the device doesn't get detected at by my computer. 

ST Employee

Hello @jasd33p ,

Make sure to update and use latest release of STM32CubeMX. Maybe you have the same issue described in these posts and which is fixed in the CubeMX 6.11.0 version.

This article may help you on your application: How to implement a dual CDC ACM USB device using t... - STMicroelectronics Community.

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Associate II


I noticed in the main.c that only dma and gpio init are called but nothing for the usb. 

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Nucleo-H723ZG examples do not include CDC.

Probably you're using some other source, and we don't know which.



I was using the stm32cubemx and the cdc example is there

The USB is initialized when MX_ThreadX_Init is called.

Hopefully you're using the USB connector at the bottom edge of the board. Make sure you have a good USB cable with data signals and not a charging cable only cable.

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I only see tx_kernel_enter() in Mx_ThreadX_Init. Do i have to add the USB code myself for the example? 

Karl Yamashita

No, you can see the USB files/folders that were added. With some referencing, starting with usb_otg.c, you can work backwards starting with MX_USB_OTG_HS_HCD_Init and see what function calls it, then the function before that and so on until MX_ThreadX_Init

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TimerCallback tutorial! | UART and DMA Idle tutorial!

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