2020-08-10 2:47 AM
I am developing a HTTPd web server with lwip and STM32H7.
I am generating fsdata.c and fsddata_custom.c using a Perl script that I found through an example on the internet.
The project works and the I can access the web page using the ip address assigned to the MCU.
I am using CGI to import some variables from the web page into the microcontroller.
The CGI works and the variables are imported to the MCU.
However, the following message is printed in the serial port:
"HTTP headers not included in file system"
I can not find what the reason is, I went through the forum but could not find the answer.
Does anyone have an idea why?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
2022-02-03 12:42 AM
Any Solution for this ? I have the same issue