2022-07-15 6:14 PM
I have had an sdmmc card running fine using STMCUBE MX with the default pins PC9,PC10,PC11,PC12,PD2 and PB13 with the SDCARDCARD DETECT PIN being allocated to a free GPIO Input (PC8) but when I reallocate the pins to free up the ULPI interface - primarily changing The D0 line from pin PB13 to PC8 the card ceases to be read and the code hangs in a loop (if I use dma it stops whilst waiting for the readStatus Flag to be set from the BSP_SD_ReadCpltCallback) and if I disable the dma I get an error FR_DISK_ERR from f_open from the fatfs function... I have been going to and fro all day trying to work out what is happening. I have shortened the wires from the sdcard pcb header to the header (arduino) pins on the Nucleo 144 board I am developing on + I have tried a variety of different GPIO pins for the SDCARD_CD but the problem remains... Any help would be appreciated greatly