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STM32H573I-DK won't connect to Azure IoT Central

Rob Ashworth

I have successfully got data going to Azure IoT hub, but now need to connect it to Azure IoT Central instead.

I've not managed to get it to connect successfully though...

This is the device settings, which are in the azure_iot config.h file, but I've been messing with it for a couple of days and can't tell if the problem is with some IoTCentral setting, or something in the firmware config...

Anyone else had success with this board?  Most of the examples are for the other U5 board which I don't have.

AzureIotCentral device.png

Guillaume K
ST Employee


I am able to connect a STM32H573I-DK to Azure IoT Central.

Azure IoT Central uses DPS.

In the application configuration file app_azure_iot_config.h, check that DPS is enabled, ID_SCOPE , REGISTRATION_ID, and DEVICE_SYMMETRIC_KEY are configured.





#define ENABLE_DPS

#ifndef ENABLE_DPS

/* Required when DPS is not used.  */
/* These values can be picked from device connection string which is of format : HostName=<host1>;DeviceId=<device1>;SharedAccessKey=<key1>
   HOST_NAME is the IoT Hub host name (<host1> in connection string),
   DEVICE_ID can be set to <device1>,
   DEVICE_SYMMETRIC_KEY can be set to <key1>.  */
#ifndef HOST_NAME
#define HOST_NAME                                   ""
#endif /* HOST_NAME */

#ifndef DEVICE_ID
#define DEVICE_ID                                   ""
#endif /* DEVICE_ID */

#else /* !ENABLE_DPS */

/* Required when DPS is used.  */
#ifndef ENDPOINT
#define ENDPOINT                                    ""
#endif /* ENDPOINT */

#ifndef ID_SCOPE
#define ID_SCOPE                                    "0ne00XXXXXX"
#endif /* ID_SCOPE */

#define REGISTRATION_ID                             "STM32H5IoT"
#endif /* REGISTRATION_ID */

#endif /* ENABLE_DPS */

/* Optional SYMMETRIC KEY.  */
#define DEVICE_SYMMETRIC_KEY                        "ENguEPufGxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx="