2021-01-30 11:12 PM
There is a bug in the file stm32g431xx.h of the archive stm32cube_fw_g4_v130.zip.
It is written there:
/* Aliases for __IRQHandler */
#define TIM7_DAC_IRQHandler TIM7_IRQHandler
#define COMP4_5_6_IRQHandler COMP4_IRQHandler
After replacing with
#define TIM7_IRQHandler TIM7_DAC_IRQHandler
everything works correctly.
I'm sorry for my bad english ( Google translated :) ).
I hope someone will find this information useful.
Yours faithfully Alex.
2021-02-03 8:49 AM
Hi @APett.1 ,
Would you please give us more details about how to reproduce the error.
2021-02-04 5:06 AM
Hello @APett.1 , and welcome to the STM32 Community :)
After an internal check, I found different info that you may want to check out: the defined alias "TIM7_DAC_IRQHandler" is put in place to overcome the differences in the interrupt handlers and IRQn definitions and to ensure codes migration between the STM32G4xx device product.
This point is deployed and highlighted in the release notes of STM32CubeG4 V1.3.0:
So, please ensure to align the start-up file with the new template defined in CMSIS to fix this issue.
Please mark my answer as best by clicking on the "Select as Best" button if it fully solved your issue. This will help other users find this solution more quickly.