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STM32F767 LwIP TCP Client



I'm facing some weird problem that I can't solve myself. I'm trying to get to work a TCP client using LwIP.

Now the weird part:

Everything works just fine in debug mode when I run the program. Connection is being established, and communication works as intended. But when I run the program without debug mode, I get ERR_RTE error.

I searched the internet and couldn't find an answer to my problem.

I suppose the code is fine due to the fact it works in debug mode.

Program generates error in tcp_connect function at netif = ip_route part.

Here is the code:

uint8_t TCP_ClientInit()
struct tcp_pcb *tpcb = {0};
err_t res = 0;
tpcb = tcp_new();

if(tpcb != 0) {
ip_addr_t sourceIPAddr;
IP_ADDR4(&sourceIPAddr, 192, 168, 0, 111);
res = tcp_bind(tpcb, &sourceIPAddr, 1500);

ip_addr_t destIPADDR;
IP_ADDR4(&destIPADDR, 192, 168, 0, 15);

res = tcp_connect(tpcb, &destIPADDR, 1400, tcp_client_connected); // this returns error ERR_RTE
else {
return HAL_ERROR;

if(res == ERR_OK) {
return HAL_OK;

return HAL_ERROR;

err_t tcp_connect(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr, u16_t port,
tcp_connected_fn connected)
struct netif *netif = NULL;
err_t ret;
u32_t iss;
u16_t old_local_port;


LWIP_ERROR("tcp_connect: invalid pcb", pcb != NULL, return ERR_ARG);
LWIP_ERROR("tcp_connect: invalid ipaddr", ipaddr != NULL, return ERR_ARG);

LWIP_ERROR("tcp_connect: can only connect from state CLOSED", pcb->state == CLOSED, return ERR_ISCONN);

LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_connect to port %"U16_F"\n", port));
ip_addr_set(&pcb->remote_ip, ipaddr);
pcb->remote_port = port;

if (pcb->netif_idx != NETIF_NO_INDEX) {
netif = netif_get_by_index(pcb->netif_idx);
} else {
/* check if we have a route to the remote host */
netif = ip_route(&pcb->local_ip, &pcb->remote_ip); // ### this returns NULL
if (netif == NULL) {
/* Don't even try to send a SYN packet if we have no route since that will fail. */
return ERR_RTE;



Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hello @DziadGarbaty , 

Please take a look at this post: Solved: Basic UDP Echo server works in debug, but not run ... - STMicroelectronics Community. You might be experiencing a similar issue.


With Regards,

If your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".

View solution in original post


@DziadGarbaty wrote:

Everything works just fine in debug mode when I run the program. Connection is being established, and communication works as intended. But when I run the program without debug mode, I get ERR_RTE error.

Instrument your code so that you can see what's happening with & without the debugger.

Are you using a standard ST example?

For LwIP diagnostic messages, see:


More on STM32H7 and LwIP:


Have you looked-up what this "ERR_RTE error" actually means? Where, exactly, does it occur?


@DziadGarbaty wrote:

Here is the code:

Your code has lost all indentation - please see How to insert source code.

ST Employee

Hello @DziadGarbaty , 

Please take a look at this post: Solved: Basic UDP Echo server works in debug, but not run ... - STMicroelectronics Community. You might be experiencing a similar issue.


With Regards,

If your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".

Thank you, @ASEHST 
Indeed adding HAL_Delay after clock initialisation solved the problem. Program starts most of the time so perhaps I need to adjust the delay value.
Interesting problem, I never would have thought the solution would be so simple!

@DziadGarbaty wrote:

 perhaps I need to adjust the delay value.

Better, look at what it is that is needing time to "stabilise" and, instead of an arbitrary delay, test for that condition...