2023-09-22 4:56 PM
I'm just diving in to ST tools and MCU's.
I'm working to evaluate the jpeg encode function of subject chip on the Nucleo-144 board as a CubeMX project.
I'm unable to find a project directly for this configuration but have been trying to follow the example
STM32CubeF7/Projects/STM32F769I_EVAL/Examples/JPEG/JPEG_EncodingFromFLASH_DMA, which doesnt apper to be a CubeMX based project.
Eventually the above code calls into
HAL_JPEG_Encod_DMA which eventually calls HAL_DMA_Sstart_IT which aborts because the handle->hdmaout.State is NOT ready and aborts.
IT looks like the DMA is not initialized? I do not have any DMA peripheral defined for the JPEG MX function JPEG, I dont have any Middleware defined for LIBJPEG
What am i missing?