2017-11-14 12:53 PM
Hello all,
Because so far i have failed to produce any code that will display on the screen the messages received from an XBEE and also to send back a message to XBEE in API mode, i am asking for support but this time i will pay for the code.
So .. the requirements are as follows:
1. Xbee sends a variable length message to a second XBEE connected to Discovery board on UART 7
2. UART 7 Rx is configured with DMA circular_buffer[128]
3. The message is processed - see the attached file from an remote STM32F446 that is communicating with the Discovery
4. A time stamp + processed message is displayed on the screen
4. Discovery board is sending on TX (configured with DMA normal mode) the message 'I received' + received message
5. Time stamp + sent message is displayed on the screen
6. The board will be set up to use 2Mb of memory for GUI memory
7. Code shall be commented for understanding
8. The code will be shared here so other can benefit from it
Who is interested in this task can send me a private message with the cost for the task.
For many of you this is a simple task, but i started to get frustrated due to lack of documentation.
Thank you
#cmsis #dma #circular-buffer #discovery-7462017-11-14 4:50 PM
I see you have money, I suggest you spend it on FT232RL.
FT232RL uses the partial filling of the internal buffer in the RTS / CTS contact mode, for such cases.And most importantly: messages with variable length characters do not exist. But there are data packets - in which you can pack any message.2017-11-15 4:40 AM
The FTDI is not a solution, i want to use the Discovery board and it has everything it needs from HW point of view.
Related to the money, is not that i can't spend them on better things or i have too much, but when it comes to the documentation and examples in this area the thing are not looking good at all. There are a lot of people like me that are struggling and all the replies are pointing to dead ends. This was the reason for me to pay for the help, maybe some professionals will react and will spend there time on money.
The recently posted tutorials for StEmWin is good enough for a small application, but when it comes to real world it is lacking a lot of information. For CMSIS UART (DMA) there is example (or at least i could not find it).