2012-12-25 8:46 PM
how can I get high speed USB interface to host a device on STM32F4discovery? would i have to remove component from the kit OR just add additional PHY? #high-speed-usb #usb-otg #cpen #otg_hs #highspeed #metoo-not-quite #host_ctrl_xfer #vbus2012-12-26 7:14 AM
You'd need to add an external PHY, and address any pin conflicts.
Maybe look for some boards with the PHY already mounted.http://www.wvshare.com/column/STM32_DevelopmentBoard.htm#Open407I-C
2012-12-26 8:34 PM
2012-12-27 11:30 AM
The STM3240G-EVAL example projects have the following defines
would i have to change 8MHz onboard crystal on stm32F4 discovery for high speed usb interface.
2012-12-28 8:01 AM
would i have to change 8MHz onboard crystal on stm32F4 discovery for high speed usb interface.
Why would you need to do that? Isn't the USB clock derived from the PLL VCO clock?2013-01-06 11:27 PM
hi, I am using USB3300 phy eval board, The CPEN pin didnt get High, why thats so? it continously low?
I just power up the board with 5 and 3.3 volts, but the CPEN pin is not getting high. (CPEN is the pin to enabled external VBUS) i didn't connect remaining pins to STM32F4. thanks2013-01-09 4:53 AM
I think by setting USB_OTG_FS_CORE_ID = 1 will change USB to High Speed. Still I have not tried but I will post once I receive my Discovery kit.
2013-01-09 3:54 PM
I think by setting USB_OTG_FS_CORE_ID = 1 will change USB to High Speed. Still I have not tried but I will post once I receive my Discovery kit.
Full Speed (FS) or High Speed (HS)? The issue here is the lack of a external PHY on the STM32F4-Discovery board.2013-01-13 10:17 PM
thanks for input. i am using USB3300 SMSC eval board. I am able to run high speed ULPI interface with STM32F4 Discovery using MSC high speed example for STM324xx boards. I have to change some PINs as PORTH and PORTI is not available in 100 qpf package in stm32f4discovery board.
the thing, I am not able to modify the code available in audio record play back example to HIGH SPEED, I have made the important changes , but what i am missing here? the FS OTG led is still blinking? even after i have changed the OTG_FS to OTG_HS and define ULPI etc...