2016-11-07 8:46 AM
Hello all,
i would like to ask you about possibility of connection ETH of STM32F427 directly to the another MAC device. In our application i would like to connect it directly to the MAC of CYCLONE V HPS. What do you think about it? Many thanks for advices. #eth #mac #stm32f272016-11-07 9:18 AM
For direct connectivity you would likely need a cross-over cable. You should be able to send Ethernet 802.3 packets between the boards.
2016-11-08 2:04 AM
you probubly did not understand me correctly. I dont want to use PHY IC. I want connect directly MII from the STM to the MII on the Cyclone V. And the distance will be minimum. Both will be on the same PCB few mm far.2016-11-08 2:55 AM
You can't. MII is not symmetrical. The counterpart to STM32 would need to support what is called Reverse-MII (not to be confused with RMII).
JW2016-11-08 3:05 AM
Hi Jan,
symmetrical you mean that TX and RX ports are notinterchangeable? Tx cannot be connected to Rx and vice versa?
Well if not how can i connect it? Does exist some kind of IC? Translator or something?. Many thanks2016-11-08 5:01 AM
Well, I'm not an expert and the devil will be hidden in the details which I'm not going to investigate at the moment, but ETH switch chips tend to have Reverse-MII as an option exactly for PHY-less connection, and I guess this is not without a reason.