2020-02-04 12:52 AM
I am trying unsuccessfully to use the flash loader demostrator to load the new firmwire.
I have pinned the Boot1 (0 to gnd) and Boot0 (1 to vdd) pins.
For the application (Flash loader demostrator I set the parity even, data bit 8 and speed 115200. I tried other speeds without any success.
I use an mcp2200 as usb-uart interface.
I tried to enter DFU mode and I managed it without any problems.
2020-02-04 3:54 AM
Check schematic, the is a large capacitor related to the USB interface on the USART1 PA9/PA10 pins which interferes.
2020-02-04 7:56 AM
I removed the capacitor, now the stm32cubeprogrammer software tells me this.
16:53:28 : Serial Port COM6 is successfully opened.
16:53:28 : Port configuration: parity = even, baudrate = 115200, data-bit = 8, stop-bit = 1.0, flow-control = off
16:53:28 : Activating device: OK
16:53:28 : Chip ID: 0x431
16:53:28 : BootLoader protocol version: 3.1
16:53:29 : Response received from device: NACK
16:53:29 : Error: GETID command not acknowledged!
16:53:29 : Reemission of GetID command
16:53:31 : Response received from device: NACK
16:53:31 : Error: READ command not acknowledged at address: 0x1FFFC008
16:53:32 : Response received from device: NACK
16:53:32 : Error: READ command not acknowledged at address: 0x1FFF7A22
16:53:34 : Bank : 0x00
16:53:34 : Address : 0x1fffc000
16:53:34 : Size : 16 Bytes
16:53:34 : Response received from device: NACK
16:53:34 : Error: READ command not acknowledged at address: 0x1FFFC000
16:53:34 : Error: Uploading Option Bytes bank: 0 failed
16:53:34 : Error: Initializing the Option Bytes failed
16:53:34 : Disconnected from device.