2014-01-11 5:22 AM
Hi everybody ,
I am biginner with STM32F407 VG Discovery. I am working on a project in wich I must interface the STM32F4 controller with 2 sensors, then I must display some information with a screen using VGA protocol, then I must establish a communication my STM32F407 Discovery and a labview interface. I am a biginner, Can someone help me how to start?Is it necessary to port a kernel on the STM or can I do without?Thank you for answering me :) #vga #ethernet #stm322014-01-11 6:49 AM
What kind of expertise and training do you have? Programming, Electronics, grade level?
What does VGA mean to you in this context? What resolution? An LCD panel? A CRT display? What boards and displays are you working with, the STM32F4-DISCO has no Ethernet or Display? Who set this project, can you provide the original specifications, and those involved in the project, and their expertise?2014-01-11 7:09 AM
I am a student in electronics engineering, actually in final year. Grade : electronics engineer. the screen I will work with is an LCD panel.the board had no VGA or Ethernet connectors.I am working on this project in an academic context with my professor. best regards2014-01-11 7:53 AM
You might want to look at the STM32F4-BB breakout board
The 320x240 LCD display is a QVGA resolution. VGA suggests 640x480 resolution. A VGA connector, infers some controller and DAC, which the F407 design is not really designed for, people have added VGA monitors to the F429 design. Even if you choose to implement something else it would be worth your while to get a STM32F4-DIS-BB board, understand the software and interfacing for a known working platform, and then leverage that knowledge against your current problem. You should get with your professor and discuss your project in detail, and isolate the tasks you are currently able to do, and those you can't. Presumably your education to this point should have covered the area into which you are now delving? Final year of a 3-year degree, or something else?2014-01-11 9:18 AM
I wrote VGA program for STM32F4 Discovery Kit.
Monitor connections GPIOD 8-9-10 (8 Video), (9 HS), (10 VS)2014-01-11 11:28 AM
thank you clive,
final year of engineering studies, 5 years degree