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STM32F407 : auto reboot in BootLoader DFU mode

Associate II
Posted on July 01, 2014 at 05:04

Hi everybody,

I wonder if it is possible for the STM32F407 to reboot itself into Bootloader mode ?

I am thinking of doing :

- control NRST with a GPIO in OpenDrain mode (GPIO has no internal pull resistor, because NRST has internal pull up already)

- just add a 100nF capa on NRST signal to stabilise it

- fix BOOT1 to 0 with external pull-down of 10k

- external pull-down 10k on BOOT0 for normal boot operation on Internal Flash

- let another GPIO control BOOT0 through a RC or another method to be sure the BOOT0 signal will be sampled to high when reset occur and so STM32F4 boot in Bootloader mode

This seems very risky, so I would like to have comment from you, and specially if you already tried this kind of setup...


Posted on July 01, 2014 at 05:40


Edit: Fixed DEAD LINKs, original post from Jun 30 2014

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Associate II
Posted on July 01, 2014 at 06:24

Dear CLive1,

what would be this forum without you !!!

Thanks a lot, I made some search before posting, but not in the right sub-forum...

As I understand in your post

, there is a way to reboot in bootloader mode with software only, so without externally manipulating BOOT0/1.

That is perfect ;)