2014-07-05 8:17 AM
I am working on a data acquisition board that sends an ADC value to a host PC over USB. The system suffers from a large amount of noise in the ADC readings. This noise exists also on the internal ADC reference. - Only USB and ADC functions are enabled, no other peripherals or MCU function. - 4 layer board, 2 unbroken inner ground planes - decoupling very near CPU power pins: 4x 47 nF, 3x 4.7nF C0G - stm32 package does not export ADC REF+ or REF-. AVDD filtered via 47 uH inductor (resonance 1 MHz) + 47 nF. - CPU core clock is 72 MHz, reduce to 48 MHz makes no difference. - noise only visible (on oscilloscope) during active USB comms. Noise 'blips' on VDD precisely synchronised with USB data frames (1 ms). With USB not active, noise is approx. 5 mVp-p. - External power supply for AVDD makes no difference. My question is, is it reasonable to expect at least 10 bit accuracy with simultaneous USB comms? Or should I just use an external ADC if I plan on using USB? #usb #adc #noise2014-07-05 9:47 AM
Improved the AVDD filter to a series 100 Ohm resistor, followed by the inductor damped with a 1k5 resistor, followed by 47 nF and 470 nF MLCC capacitor.
Results: Using nop in the main loop: 4 mV noise on VDD Using WFI in the main loop: 14 mV noise on VDD During USB streaming (nop in main loop): 8 mV noise on VDD In all cases, noise on AVDD was 2 mV. Bit noise almost unchanged: lowest 4~5 bits are noise for - internal ref, - external 2.5k voltage divider from 3v3, - external buffered 1.65V voltage. For 2 mV noise on AVDD, I would expect 2 mV / 3.3/2^12 = less than 3 bits noise.2014-07-05 12:59 PM
''stm32 package does not export ADC REF+ or REF-.''
You meant: ''Low pin count packages do not export AREF pins'' ''With USB not active, noise is approx. 5 mVp-p.'' May I assume this is where 99.8% of samples fall into? And the AREF is 3.3V? 12-bit, 1Msps? In such case V(X) = sqrt(4096*5mV/(6*3.3)) [bits] = 1.07 bitshttp://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=1167954#1167954
I didn't test anything but ADC and indeed even toggling IOs jams ADC. I suggest you could filter out data or synchronize it to fit in between USB frames (I know, a bit crazy). I would like to hear about the ADC performance of STM32 with AREF pins..2014-07-06 7:59 AM
As I always measure slow signals (temperature, power voltage etc.) I use software average filtering: having the last 10-100 values in a circular buffer, overwrite the oldest when reading a new A/D value, and average the whole measurement value array. At startup the buffer has to be filled with max elements, if you don't want the average to float up from zero.
I know it is not usable for a fast data aquisition board: (2014-07-06 8:30 AM
Instead of the STM32 internal ADC, I used an ADS7822 12-bit SAR ADC from Burr-Brown. Ratsnested on the same board with filtering as described in my previous posts. Performance is excellent, < 1.5 bit noise.
I conclude that in practice it is not possible to use the STM32 internal ADC at its advertised resolution, at least in packages where VREF+ and VREF- are inaccessible.