2014-06-29 1:50 AM
Hello All,
I�m trying to read and write data from memory to SDRAM using DMA. I�ve used the STM32 Cube software to generate the initialization code which uses the HAL libraries. I'm using the STM32F429 discovery board.
I was able to read and write data to SDRAM WITHOUT using DMA.
And I was also able to use DMA to transfer data between 2 arrays.
But, when I set the destination address as 0xD0000000 (since I�m using SDRAM bank 2) and after writing data to that location, when I read it, I always get 0x00.
These are the HAL functions which I have used:
HAL_SDRAM_Write_32b() and HAL_SDRAM_Read_32b().These functions write and read data to the SDRAM without DMA. They work fine.
HAL_DMA_Start_IT() or HAL_DMA_Start().These functions are used for transfer of data between source and destination address using DMA. I was able to transfer data between 2 arrays using this function. But, when I specify the SDRAM address, it doesn�t work. It just reads 0x00. So I think it doesn�t write anything to that location in the first place.
HAL_SDRAM_Write_DMA() and HAL_SDRAM_Read_DMA().These functions are used for writing and reading of data to SDRAM using DMA. Internally, they call the HAL_DMA_Start_IT(). I used these functions, but it didn�t work.
I�m attaching my main.c file which has all the initialization of the SDRAM and DMA and the function calls.
I�m also attaching the following header files and .c files.
Stm32f4xx_hal_sdram.c and Stm32f4xx_hal_sdram.hThey contain the HAL_SDRAM_Write_32b(), Read_32b(), HAL_SDRAM_Write_DMA() and Read_DMA().
Stm32f4xx_hal_dma.c and Stm32f4xx_hal_dma.hThese files have the HAL_DMA_Start_IT() and HAL_DMA_Start() functions.
It would be really helpful if someone could guide me and help me out.
Thank you.
#dma #sdram #discovery #hal #stm32