2023-06-08 1:44 PM
I am working on freeRTOS CMSIS V1 on a project. I am using STOP mode to reduce the power consumption (since the device I am making is battery driven). When entering the STOP mode, I noticed that freeRTOS task is still running at the background on a slow speed. I read the reference manual several time to confirm that I am using the STOP mode correctly. Everything looks fine and I am able to put the MCU in STOP and wake it up using RTC and EXIT. However, the freeRTOS is not sleeping and it is consuming power. I have studied the Tickless modes and I am looking to use it but I have few questions.
1) Do the STOP mode work with freeRTOS in a normal way as it is supposed to work without RTOS?
2) IF STOP mode is supposed to work with freeRTOS then HOW I can put the freeRTOS on sleep in the background?
3) I have just started learning Tickless modes. I wish to know if there is any example for STM32F4 boards where the Tickless STOP mode is being called by user? The examples I have looked on are using timers not the function call from other places of the code.
I will be glad to hear any suggestions.
Thanks a lot.