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I am working on freeRTOS CMSIS V1 on a project. I am using STOP mode to reduce the power consumption (since the device I am making is battery driven). When entering the STOP mode, I noticed that freeRTOS task is still running at the background on a s...
Hi everyone,I am working on a custom STM32F401 board and came across a strange problem. I have a coin battery connected o Vbat pin of the MCU and using custom bootloader with it. Everything works fine but once I remove the battery (no voltage in Vbat...
I am using STM32F410RB 64 pin MCU. According to datasheet, its max clock is 100MHz. I am using cubeIDE for clock setting and programming. The problem i am face is that my MCU is only operating for 60MHz max. any frequency setting above 60MHz is not  ...
void StartDefaultTask(void const * argument){ /* USER CODE BEGIN 5 */ osTimerStart(myTimer01Handle, 500); /* Infinite loop */ for(;;) {  HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOC,GPIO_PIN_13);  osDelay(1000); } /* USER CODE END 5 */ }/* Callback01 function */void Cal...