2014-11-10 05:30 AM
Hello. I am using the new HAL library for writing a program for STM32F4Discovery (for university presentation). The program activates a USB FS CDC device once running to speak with a PC. I've attached an SD card slot to the discovery, and I also need the discovery board to act as USB FS Mass Storage device after the user clicks the User Button (without losing the CDC functionality). Then become back to the only-CDC mode once the user safe-ejects the mass storage device. As far as I know this is called a composite device (one physical connection, several devices). Is this possible with STM32F4 with HAL library and USB OTG library? If yes, is there an example code for this? Please help me if you can, thank you.
Edit 1 I have found a composite device example in ''STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0'' library which is used by STM32F102xx, STM32F103xx, STM32L1 and STM32F3. But there is no composite device example in ''STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_v2.1.0'' which is used in my mcu's (STM32F407) case, though its documentation (UM1021) says that it supports it: ''supports multi-interface applications (composite devices)''. #cdc #composite #msc #usb2014-11-12 08:27 AM
The STM32Cube FW package includes examples based on elementary USB classes (MSC, HID, CDC,...). Multi-interface applications (composite) are not yet developed. We’ll notify our development team about this subject. Regards,Heisenberg.2014-11-14 05:01 AM
Thank you.
Could you please tell me if it is currently possible to achieve a composite USB device using the current version of STM32CubeF4 HAL library (so it is just lacking an example demonstration) or the libraries should be changed first (hopefully in the near future) to do that? And, thank you for the STM32Cube initiative, it's still not as mature as the StdPeriph libraries, but I'm sure it will be, soon enough.2015-01-12 08:12 AM
It is possible to achieve your own composite USB Device, by combining the desired classes' drivers into one class, under your own folder within: Middlewares\ST\STM32_USB Device Library\ClassRegards,Heisenberg.2015-07-12 04:37 PM
Any news about composite device example?
2018-01-31 11:04 PM
I need USB Composite (MSC +HID)
example based on Stm32f407 microcontrollerplease help me..
2019-02-21 12:07 AM
i have an example
2019-03-07 04:37 AM
I need USB Composite (MSC +CDC)
example based on Stm32f7 microcontroller
please help me..
2019-06-01 01:41 AM
Anyone have an example of this they would care to share?
Trying to make composite MSC +CDC in a STM32Cube for STM32F7.
2019-10-08 04:14 AM
I am looking for an STM32F4 CDC MSC example. Can Someone help?