2013-02-12 8:54 AM
Hi there,
I am working on STM32FDiscovery and USB CDC. For this purpose I used:/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Discovery/DispForm.aspx?ID=1311
(I do use CooCox). Well Compiling + Linking successes. The USB Device is recognized (Windows sound) but marked as ''USB device not recognized''. However PID is 0x0000 and VID 0x0002. Any Ideas? Has anyone had this problem? Thanks a lot #usb #stm32 #coocox2013-02-12 9:55 AM
We get the impression here that CooCox is a bit of a cluster. They do have their own forum.
There may well be alignment, or define issues you need to address. Can you build it with another, targeted tool chain, as most evaluations will build the small examples, and at least you'll start with something that works or is known, rather than fighting through a whole bunch of unknown unknowns.2013-02-12 11:34 AM
Hi Clive,
well I recognized that too - now. The funny thing is I'm working the whole day on a Problem but as soon as I post it I do find the solution within the next hour. As you already guessed it's a pure CooCox problem. So for everybody migrating to CooCox (GNU CC) a few hints:never ever
use system_stm32f4xx.h from the CooCox-library if you are trying to migrate a project from another IDE/compiler to CooCox !!! If provided use the file from the project you are trying to migrate. This quit simple mistake made me loose 3 day for USB CDC. Caused the failure described above in my first post.never ever
use the startup_stm32f4xx.c or startup_stm32f4xx.s from another compiler or IDE than CooCox. This file is specified for the compiler/IDE you are using. Have a look inside the file and you will see (in the comments) for which compiler this file was made. For CooCox simply add in Repository the CMSIS BOOT library by checking the checkbox for this library. Otherwise you'll get a bunch of linker errors.2013-11-07 3:11 AM
Hi michael.
I am a beginner for microcontroller programming, so I`m having quite the trouble to implement USB.Please, could you help me on how you implemented USB CDC on STM32F4Discovery?I am also using this board and also CooCox, but I am lost on how to build the project based on the link you post before.Thank you in advance2013-11-07 10:23 PM
You could take a look here:these are working examples one with and one without FreeRTOS.2014-01-12 2:13 PM
You would be
so kind as to
share the
project of
for this example.
?Many greetings