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STM32F4-Discovery: LEDs control and key button state acquisition

Associate III
Posted on March 11, 2014 at 12:32

Hi all,

I have developped a simple example of controlling LEDs on STM32F4-Discivery and button state acquisition. The example uses USB as a communication pipe.

A PC host application is developped using both libusb and pthread libraries. The IDE used is CodeBlocks.

The PC host appication launches two threads:

 - One thread for controlling LEDs state

 - Another thread for acquiring the button's state

Anyone interested in the application should send me an email to jjackbauer7 at

Only valid emails (name.surname) will be considered.

Associate III
Posted on March 16, 2014 at 08:33

Hi all,

You find attached a screenshot of the example.

On PC host, I am using CodeBlocs + libusb

On STM32, I am using CDC example

Any feadback is welcome.

PS: Now I want to use GUI instead of CLI but I am a little bit lost how to use CodeBlcoks with Qt and GCC !!!



Attachments :

STM32F4-Discovery_Libusb.png :