2014-11-04 12:03 AM
I want to Implement HID device with Keyboard , Mouse and Vendor defined functionality. I am using USB device library that comes with STM32Cube_FW_F2_V1.1.0 lib. In it there is no example explaining this. Any Suggestion/Ideas on how to implement this ? #usb-device #stm32f205 #cube2015-01-12 08:35 AM
The STM32Cube FW package includes examples based on elementary USB classes (MSC, HID, CDC,...). Multi-interface applications (composite) are not yet developed. We’ll notify our development team about this subject. It is possible to achieve your own composite USB Device, by combining the desired classes' drivers into one class, under your own folder within: Middlewares\ST\STM32_USB Device Library\ClassRegards,Heisenberg.